Taking a Passion for Social Impact to the Next Level with The Certificate in Social Impact
Here at the Smith School of Business we are fortunate to have the opportunity to learn about incorporating social impact into the corporate world as future business leaders. However, for those with a keen interest in sparking change, the Centre for Social Impact provides a program designed to give students more insight on how environmental, social and cultural considerations can be integrated into business models and strategies. At QSIA, our mission is to inspire fellow students at Queen’s to pursue careers with a social impact focus, and the Centre for Social Impact’s (CSI) Certificate Program is the perfect stepping stone.
As described on their website and the commerce portal, the Certificate in Social Impact ensures students study ethics in both the classroom and through hands-on experiences. Students can expect to learn about social innovation, environmental sustainability, social finance, and many more crucial topics for the adapting business world. As mentioned on the Smith website, the program has allowed students to be equipped with the knowledge and skills required when tackling these issues in the workplace.
The certificate can be obtained by Smith students pursuing an undergraduate or master’s degree. For undergraduates, the requirements include:
Completing either COMM 104: Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility or COMM 306: An Introduction to Impact-Driven Leadership with a minimum grade of C+
-Complete two electives with a social impact theme
-Attend the Annual Social Impact Summit and Annual Social Innovation Bootcamp or conference equivalent, such as QSIA’s Weekend for Social Impact
-Pass an evaluation for each conference attended
-Complete a minimum of 40 hours of social impact related volunteering
For more information on the requirements, visit the commerce portal, then click on ‘Centre for Social Impact’ on the home bar.
Last year at QSIA’s Weekend for Social Impact (W4SI), we held a workshop for students to learn more about the Centre for Social Impact and the Certificate program. There, students spoke to representatives about the benefits of the program, how the certificate differentiates them as an interviewing candidate and students, and were able to ask specific questions about their education plans. Fittingly, attending W4SI could be considered an event that counts toward the Certificate if students reach out to the Centre in advance!
As a first-year, hearing about the opportunities the program provides was very insightful, and assured me that pursuing the Certificate aligned with my goals for my future career. I knew I wanted to incorporate my passion, developed from my past volunteer work, to my interest in finance and accounting. Speaking to one of the Social Impact Centre representatives, I was assured that there were ample career opportunities which combine the two, such as impact investing, which could be further explored through the program’s events and courses. We also discussed how other professional certifications, such as the CPA, are beginning to incorporate ESG teachings into their programs as well, making the Certificate an advantage in the industry.
The Centre for Social Impact also supports many other initiatives for students to get involved with. In the fall, students are encouraged to take part in the Great Lakes Aquahack challenge, where students create viable business solutions to issues pertaining to the pollution in the Great Lakes. There are also opportunities to get involved with the Scale Up Summit in Toronto on September 17th, where students can meet fellow changemakers and participate in pitches in front of industry experts. Or, the Net Impact Global Goals Jam on September 7th and 8th, which allows students to network with executives focused on ESG and sustainability.
This past spring, the Smith School of Business received $2.5 million from the Quinn Family Future Foundation to create an ESG professorship to encourage students to be the future leaders in sustainability and social impact. With this gift, the school will be able to provide us students with even more opportunities to get involved in impact initiatives.
If you have any questions about the Certificate Program, be sure to email the Centre for Social Impact at csi@queensu.ca or stop by their office in Goodes Hall Room 387.