who we are
Founded in 2007, Queen’s Social Impact Association (QSIA) is a student-run club within the Smith School of Business at Queen’s University. Our predominant objective is to facilitate student involvement in the non-profit and social impact sectors. To achieve this goal, we strive to increase student awareness about the vast career opportunities available to business students in this sector and provide them with the information and tools needed to achieve their goals. We work hard to create meaningful relationships within the industry to provide students with valuable, hands-on business experience and allow organizations to gain direct access to the hardworking and enthusiastic talent pool of the Smith School of Business. We aim to leverage these bright and driven students’ knowledge and skills to support non-profit organizations, corporate social responsibility initiatives, non-governmental organizations, and the public sector.
At QSIA, it is our goal to create a lasting impact in our communities and celebrate the valuable intersection between business and social impact.
Our vision is To empower business students to become socially responsible leaders.
our mission
students on the breadth of opportunities available in the social impact sector and the important role it plays in today’s world.
students to leverage their cutting-edge business education to pursue meaningful careers in the social impact sector.
our local communities and the world by taking action, being a voice for change, and expanding our knowledge to create a better future