Welcome to the spark!

July 20, 2020 • Kirsten Miller

Hello, and welcome to Queens Non Profit’s new blog, “The Spark! We are incredibly excited to be launching this new publication! For our very first post, we want to tell you all about “The Spark”.

What is The Spark?

The Spark is a platform that will showcase personal stories, highlight individuals who are contributing to meaningful change in their communities, discuss current events, and act as a helpful resource for those looking to become more educated on the social impact space.

So, why “The Spark”, you ask?   

Our blog’s name originates from the idea that our club, as well as the people and corporations that will be featured in our blog, are those who are striving to SPARK change in society - something that is critically important in today’s world. 

Why was The Spark created?

Our new blog was created with the intention of furthering our mission: (1) INFORM students on the breadth of opportunities available in the social impact sector and the important role it plays in today’s world; (2) INSPIRE students to leverage their cutting-edge business education to pursue meaningful careers in the social impact sector; and, (3) IMPACT our local communities and the world by taking action, being a voice for change, and expanding our knowledge to create a better future.

We understand the importance of using our voice and our platform to create change and hope that this blog is one way we can make an impact not only in our local community but in the global community as well. 

Our final thoughts:

2020 is a new decade and so far it has brought with it many extreme changes and challenges. This is a year that is going to be written into our history books, and we urge you to ask yourself, “where do I want to be when this story is told”? History is being made, and it is our time to be a part of it. So get inspired, get out there, and SPARK change. We all have the power to contribute to the creation of the future we want. We hope this blog will help give you the motivation and resources you need on this journey.

To learn more about QNP, our mission, our events, and how we plan to SPARK change throughout the year, check out our website and social media platforms. In everything we do, we strive to fulfill our vision to empower business students to become socially responsible leaders, and this blog is one more way we intend to accomplish this.

Please reach out to us if you have any questions or a story you want to share on our blog.

Talk soon,


What’s next for the non-profit sector?