D4SI 2020: Passion, Reality & Change

November 30, 2020 • Nicole Kemper

Day for Social Impact (D4SI) 2020 was a three-day event offering incredible insights into the non profit sector. The conference included an engaging set of speakers, activities, and an interactive case competition which aimed to educate delegates about three important sectors: healthcare, the environment, and human rights. The following three themes stood out at this year’s conference:


One thing that kept coming up with all of our speakers was passion. When asked, “what is the key trait you need to succeed in your work?”, Krista Thompson, CEO of Covenant House Vancouver, responded, “Passion, passion, passion is the key ingredient. You need to be a little crazy and very passionate about the cause you are working for.” Working for a non profit is not always easy, but a person’s love for, and belief in, their cause continues to motivate and drive them. Another keynote speaker, Angela Simo Brown, Lead Executive at MaRS Discovery District, summed up her passion for her work stating, “I think I have the best job in the world!” The passion of all our speakers and partners shined throughout the conference.

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Throughout the lively discussion surrounding non profits, a sense of reality was also brought up. It is important to remember that non profit work needs funding, and most of the time, that has to come from external sources. Fundraising is a large, strategic part of every non profit that is vital for the success of any idea or project that is being carried out. Without tailored fundraising and the use of employee networks, non profits would not be able to operate. It is a reality that shocked many and reminded us of the challenges that you can face as a professional in the industry while trying to make the world a better place for all.

Creating Impactful Change

Although any positive change or impact a company can make is respectable, there was an important conversation at the conference surrounding meaningful actions and purpose. Angela Simon Brown put it perfectly saying, “the movement of the future is all about how companies have purpose.” Today, companies must ensure their actions are genuine and aligned with their promises. And, to have the greatest impact, they need to ensure their social impact initiatives are linked to their core values and brand.

A final note…

We would like to thank all of our partners and delegates for their participation in D4SI 2020 - it wouldn't have been a success without all of you!

A career in the non profit industry isn’t easy, but it can be one of the most rewarding decisions. If you are genuinely passionate, we hope you will learn more about this space through D4SI 2021 or our other events we will be hosting this year.

 All the best,



Impact In The Kingston Community: Lionhearts Inc.


What’s next for the non-profit sector?