Queenโs Social impact association
what we do
Queenโs Social Impact Association is a student-run club within the Smith School of Business at Queenโs University. Our predominant objective is to facilitate student involvement in the non-profit and social impact sectors. To achieve this goal, we strive to increase student awareness about the vast career opportunities available to business students within these sectors. We work hard to create meaningful relationships within the industry to provide students with valuable, hands-on business experience and allow organizations to gain direct access to the hardworking and enthusiastic talent pool of the Smith School of Business.
what you can do
The students who participate in our initiatives are eager to share their unique skills and perspectives in pursuit of positive impact beyond the bottom line. With two large-scale events, volunteer opportunities within the non profit and CSR sectors, a membership program and speaker panels throughout the year, QSIA offers a wide variety of events that appeal to every student looking to make a positive impact in their community.
Our events would not be possible without the loyalty and generosity of partner organizations. If you are a company looking to get involved with QSIA, please visit our Sponsorship Page for more information.
November 9th - 10th, 2024
Running Year-Round
Follow our journey
Contact us
We are here to respond to any inquiries.
Do not hesitate to reach out to us by email or through our social media channels.
the spark
Hear stories from our events, keep updated with the non profit community, and learn how you can make an impact in your community through QSIAโs new blog .